Nothing defines our present as much as the peculiar mixture of fear and fascination for autonomous and semi-autonomous systems: robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and of course: drones. Experimenting with drones, tinkering and hacking drones are ways to embrace this new technology, to understand it – a crucial step towards freedom and autonomy in a world determined by technology. The HOOU project „IN THE AIR“ is a platform where we introduce the world of drones and offer interested people approaches for their own experiments with these exciting aerial vehicles.
The IN THE AIR project is a project of the Interaction Design department at HAW Hamburg in cooperation with the Hamburg Open Online University (HOOU), which was launched by the Hamburg Senate as part of the „Digital City Strategy“. This is a network of all Hamburg universities that creates digital learning resources within the framework of HOOU that are open and accessible to all. IN THE AIR is one of many projects funded by HOOU.
I gave an interview about this project to Hamburg’s Greatest HomeOffice, you can find the video here.
Lift-Off: intheair.cool (In german only)