Rundgang Finkenau is the successor to the project Rundgang Armgartstrasse and like that project it show master and bachelor thesis from the Department Design at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. I built this project using Vue.js with Nuxt.js, three.js and Netlify CMS
Sharing is caring!
This alone is reason enough to continue to show the final projects from the Department of Design at HAW Hamburg digitally. So wherever you are and whenever you want, you can view bachelor’s and master’s theses from the Illustration, Communication Design and Fashion, Costume and Textile Design programs. You can get inspired, read and think your way into different topics, perspectives and design issues or just click through the images.
We admit it openly: a little self-interest and a lot of pride also drive us. We don’t want to let our graduates go without leaving visible traces. Not without being able to say: Look at all they have done. Great!
We wish you a good time and lots of fun with the Finkenau 2021 tour – Digital Edition.
The Team:
Undine Meinke↗︎ and Rebecca Söhlke↗︎ (Design),
Paul Rutrecht (Consulting),
Tom-Lucas Säger↗︎ (Code)
and Hendrike Schmietendorf↗︎ (Content and Communication)