Will artificial intelligence take my job? How does the profession of design change with artificial intelligence? What are the opportunities, what are the risks, if artificial intelligence gains more and more influence on our professional field?

The project »Designberuf 2030« („Design Profession 2030“) is dedicated to these questions. In the course of the project, it quickly became clear that these questions could not be answered by a small group, but that the answer lies between the opinions of many. That’s why we set ourselves the first task of conducting an interview with design professionals from a wide variety of fields. Among the 60 interviewees were agency heads, professors, students and freelance designers from Germany, the USA, China and South Korea. They created a very interesting and diverse picture of opinions. True to the motto, one man’s sorrow is another man’s joy, some couldn’t wait for AI to take over annoying processes from them, while for others it was precisely these „annoying“ processes that were their bread and butter and that they didn’t want to lose under any circumstances.

On another page, we also explored the background to the topic. What actually is AI? Where do we already encounter AI today? How does AI work? We thought these and other questions were so important that we wanted to make them accessible to a broad public. As a result, we designed an exhibition on all the questions and also exhibited the answers to the interviews. The exhibition toured through several locations of HAW Hamburg, was presented at the Interaction Day 2020 and also presented to the presidium. Everywhere the exhibition met with great enthusiasm and agreement on how important the topic was.