OTTO Unbox
You were so looking forward to the new jumper! It arrives – and it doesn’t fit. And now? With Otto Unbox you now have an assistant at your side who can help you immediately. He already supports you when unpacking: he asks how the jumper fits and will gladly order you a size bigger if it pinches a little here and there. He also shares your rating with other Otto customers, so that they can order one size larger.
Need help setting up your new coffee machine? No problem! OTTO Unbox guides you step by step through the set-up process.
OTTO Refill
Isn’t it always like that? You don’t have what you need in the house. Whether it’s dishwasher tablets, washing powder or toothpaste. OTTO Refill helps you to manage your supplies better. You can reorder all these consumables quickly and easily via WhatsApp. All you have to do is send a message. It’s that easy!

Bonprix Me
„Wow, what a dress!“ – Spotted the perfect summer dress in passing by another woman? Now you can have it in no time! Pull out your phone, scan it and bang: Bonprix Me tells you how much it costs and when you can call it your own. You can be inspired by scanned items and create your very own style. If you are in the vicinity of the Bonprix Fashion Connect store, Bonprix Me may even send you the item to a fitting room immediately. Then all you have to do is try it on. It can happen so quickly!
Research phase
In the research phase, we took a closer look at the individual topic areas that Otto gave us in the briefing. This is a brief summary of our findings.
Goods Return
We have analysed Otto.de’s current returns process. In doing so, we looked at things like: Which steps have to be gone through?
Which forms have to be filled out? In doing so, we noticed that the process can be very complex in some cases
On the subject of ratings, we not only took a closer look at OTTO’s platforms, but also at competitors such as SheIn or Amazon.
We noticed that some of the platforms worked with user rewards: The buyer writes a review and gets a discount on the next purchase. OTTO and Amazon also work with so-called aggregated reviews. If many users rate a washing machine as particularly quiet, for example, this is presented as a buzzword.Product selectionIn this topic, we checked how natural-language and semantic OTTO’s search currently is. For example, if you enter „wedding clothes for summer“, OTTO itself does not spit out any results. However, if you pass the same query on to Google, Google will find items via the Google Shopping function – many of them at Otto.de. So there is still potential to be exploited here at OTTO.
In this topic, we mainly looked at solutions that Amazon offers or used to offer. These included the Dash Buttons, which automatically reorder detergent with one click, or a subscription that provides the customer with the consumable product at a selected interval and rewards them for it with a discount.

The next phase was prototyping. This means: From the findings of the research phase, we developed prototypes that offer concrete solutions for the areas we analysed.
OTTO Unbox is an action for the Google Assistant. It covers a large part of the topics such as rating, returns and quick start guide. We developed a user journey in which the user is accompanied during unboxing and thus naturally passes on his first impression to the Google Assistant. We tested different sequences of the action and advised on how best to draw the user’s attention to this function.
OTTO Refill Here we built a prototype with Botsociety that gives users the opportunity to reorder FMCGs (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) such as detergent via a WhatsApp chat. The main question for us here was how the bot knows when a product has been used up. OTTO itself offers the OTTO ready service, in which smart washing machines reorder detergent on their own. But how could it be solved if the product is not consumed by a smart appliance?
Bonprix Me was born with the ambition not to inspire users via a dull search on the webpage, but to give them the opportunity to scan things in real life in order to be inspired. Here we spent a lot of time on the question of how many garments to show at once. We were also concerned with the question of whether a whole outfit or just a single garment would be a better inspiration.

OTTO Unbox
OTTO Unbox already starts on the customer’s package. There, the customer is informed that they should ask their Google Assistant to start OTTO Unbox to accompany them as they unpack and commission their new product. In other cases, it may even be the case that the Assistant itself knows when the package has arrived and actively asks the user whether they should unpack it with them. In the case of an item of clothing, for example, the Assistant charmingly asks indirectly in a conversation how the item fits and how the user would rate it. This rating is then made available to other users via the website. If a piece doesn’t fit, the assistant knows what size was ordered and can then respond to a statement like „much too small“ with the answer: „Should I order it a size bigger for you? A third aspect covered by OTTO Unbox is the Quick Start Guide. When you unpack an electrical appliance, such as a coffee machine, the assistant helps you set it up for the first time.

OTTO Refill
OTTO Refill ensures that you are never without dishwasher tabs. And, of course, not without all the other important things in everyday life. OTTO Refill works on the basis of a WhatsApp chatbot. This knows how much of certain consumer goods is still in the house via various parameters, such as the last order or via an interface with intelligent dishwashers or washing machines, and reorders them. If, for example, the user is reordering their favourite biscuits, the bot can tell him at the same time: „We’re almost out of washing-up liquid, don’t you want to order this at the same time?

Bonprix Me
Bonprix Me inspires users when they stroll through the city and perhaps discover a beautiful dress on a passer-by. With Bonprix Me, the user can scan this dress. The item is then searched in a database and can be purchased directly. However, the user can also have new, similar items displayed based on the dress, i.e., to stay with our example, other dresses with this pattern. In addition, the bot knows what else has been scanned around the user and can thus also inspire users locally. If the garment is in stock at a nearby Bon Prix Fashion Connect store, it can be ordered directly into the booth so that users can try it on and buy it there.